Ali Qadir

The war in Gaza: Understanding religion and society in the modern world

Religion has proven to be a part of a restructuring world order, and simply ignoring it or brushing it aside won’t do. The methodological atheism baked into scholarly understandings of the inter-state world order will, in any case, have to […]

Teemu Hartikainen

Energy security as an element of strengthened U.S.-Finnish cooperation

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö met with President Joe Biden at the White House on 3/4/2022, where they agreed to strengthen bilateral U.S.-Finnish cooperation also in energy security. According to the readout from the White House: ”The Presidents committed to start […]

People rush to the bus stop at the border crossing point in Mayorsk, Donetsk area on Dec. 27.
Anitta Kynsilehto

Forced displacement crisis amidst the war in Ukraine

Solidarity and sense of shared responsibility do not need to be a zero-sum game. The war in Ukraine has produced massive, forced displacement both within the country and internationally. According to the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR, during the first weeks […]

Pieter Brueghel vanhempi: The Fight Between Carnival and Lent
Sari Katajala-Peltomaa & Raisa Maria Toivo

Lived religion and past experiences

Historians are bound to ask questions, not only about the current meaning of any concept that they use, but also about its meanings and existence in history – since obviously, concepts change with culture and society. How is it possible […]

Alusta Simo Rista Helsingin kaupunginmuseo.
Tiina Heikkilä (translation by Niko Randell)

Capitalism and socialism shared the belief in the idea of progress

Capitalism and socialism had a shared premise: economic growth, modernization and industrialization driven by a desire for progress that were accelerated by an ideological competition. Just around 30 years ago, the world was divided into two competing camps: capitalist countries […]

Suvi Holmberg (translation by Niko Randell)

Cancer affects everyday life entirely and drips over it

Statistics cannot describe those feelings of relief, deepened relationships, or the increased boldness to say our thoughts out loud that a serious condition can bring to our everyday lives. To better understand life with cancer, we will also need information […]

Riittakerttu Kaltiala (translation by Niko Randell)

Why do more and more adolescents need psychiatric treatment?

All kinds of problem behaviors, such as criminal behavior, school bullying, and substance abuse, have constantly decreased during the 2000s. So why do more and more people need treatment? Mental disorders during the developmental phase of adolescence The developmental phase […]

Lauri Lahikainen (Translation by Niko Randell)

Pandemic and individual responsibility

During this epidemic, we have new responsibilities, and someday in the future our actions can be evaluated based on how we survived this epidemic. It is commonly believed that we can only be responsible for the things that we can […]

Rebecca Boden

Coronavirus shows university funding models need resilience

Whilst the higher education model in Finland is still differs somewhat from the global trends, it is moving fast in the same direction. Hence, the fault lines exposed abroad yield valuable lessons for Finland and should, I argue, cause some […]

Rebecca Boden & Nelli Piattoeva

Escaping (from) numbers in education?

To be used effectively to govern social life, numbers require a public that is readily socialized to accept the authority of numbered knowledge. But if these publics possess high levels of numeracy, they become capable of undermining the authority of […]