ELT-48156 RF Integrated Circuits Design, 9 cr


MSc-level Course. Contact Prof. Nikolay T. Tchamov at nikolay.tchamov@tut.fi


Jani Järvenhaara, Nikolay. T Tchamov


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
ELT-48156 2016-01 3 - 4 Nikolay. T Tchamov
1. Completion of auditorium exercises. 2. Completion of homeworks from Auditorium Exercises. 3. Completion of laboratory exercises. 4. Exam.


This course focuses on a Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) design, starting from design specification, trough electrical design toward complete physical design, and measurement. Upon completion of the course, the student is able to: - Understand the specifics/limitations of RFIC process and utilized in the specific RFIC design; - Design an RF integrated circuit both on Electrical and on Physical design level; - Utilize various techniques for improving the performance of the developed integrated circuit; - Operate freely the modern CAD tools of Cadence; - Prepare an RF integrated circuit for fabrication on a modern nanometer CMOS process; - Prepare and conduct the measurement on the developed particular integrated circuit; - Analyze the obtained simulation and measurement results;


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Introduction of the RF-IC Design flow at MSc Level. Overview and detailed presentation of state-of-art LC VCO.     
2. Cadence GPDK045 CMOS process overview, available components and their characterization. VCO Electrical Design: Resonator, Negative-Gm stage, Capacitor Banks, Current Mirrors. Differential layout and specifics for RFIC. Bonding Pads and ESD. IC Packaging parasitic accounting.     
3. RF-Measurements: RF Components, Wafer probing, Calibration and Measurement set-up preparation. RF-Measurements instruments: HP54750A High-Speed Oscilloscope, R&S FSEM Spectrum Analyzer, HP 4352B VCO/PLL Signal Analyzer.     

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Exam and home works from exercises.


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Book   Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits   B. Razavi         No   
Book   RF Microelectronics   B. Razavi   0132839415       No   
Book   The Art of Analog Layout   A. Hastings   0130870617       No   


Opintojakso P/S Selite
ELT-48106 RF Integrated Circuits Architectures Mandatory    

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
In case you have taken other course(s) which you might consider to be compatible with the prerequisite one above, please contact the Course Coordinator for approval.


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Tchamov Nikolay, 12.05.2016