ARK-51206 Individual Project in Architecture, 1-10 cr

Additional information

Individual projects are mainly for students, who've almost finished their second year major studies or and who'd like to deepen or broaden their studies in some specific field of architecture. The topic of the project cannot be anything that is already offered in any of the courses. The project can be done alone or as team work and can be research or design based. The topic and requirements for completing the course are discussed with the supervising professor or teacher. Please contact professors or teachers directly, if you wish to include an individual project in your studies. Supervisors may be a professor of teacher with a doctoral degree (Minna Chudoba, Anssi Joutsiniemi, Pekka Passinmäki). The course is only intended for degree students
The implementation will not be executed during the academic year 2016-2017.

Person responsible

Olli-Paavo Koponen


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
ARK-51206 2016-01 - Olli-Paavo Koponen
Passed research or design project in a field of architecture.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing an individual project the student has deepened his/her knowledge in a specific field of the architectural profession. More specific learning outcomes depend on the nature of the project.

Correspondence of content

There is no equivalence with any other courses

Updated by: Kohlhoff Stefanie, 04.10.2016