TIE-11206 Special Topics on Pervasive Computing, 1-5 cr

Implementation TIE-11206 2016-02


Dimecc Innovation Camp, 1 or 2 credit points


Period 2
Methods of instruction
Person responsible Matti Vuori

Assessment scale

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


The course is implemented as teamwork in the DIMECC Innovation Camp, during 31.10.-2.11.2016 at TAMK. Students from TUT, UTA and TAMK form student groups that innovate solutions for companies' problems. More information will be available on camp's web page https://www.dimecc.com/dimecc-services/dimecc-innovation-camp/ Credit points given will be one for participation or two, when a learning diary is returned. A Moodle site will be used for sharing instructions for the execution and returning the documents. Please, enroll there also. https://moodle2.tut.fi/course/view.php?id=9988 Working language will be English. Information will be updated during September and early October.