TIE-12206 Post-graduate Seminar on Pervasive Computing, 1-8 cr

Implementation TIE-12206 2016-10


Topic: Gamification Design.


Period 2
Methods of instruction
Person responsible Christopher Harris

Assessment scale

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


Seminar presentations by the participants, and other requirements to be announced.

Additional information of course implementation

In room TB207 on Oct 23, Nov 13, Nov 27, and Dec 4 at 12.30-15.30. For additional information on this course, see https://cs.oswego.edu/~chris/courses/fall15/gamification/ Register for this course until 23.10 at https://qtrial2015az1.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_dcApMUdAYVVnv0N

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN Additional information Language Examination material
Book High-Level Synthesis Blue Book Michael Fingeroff 978-1450097246 English No
Lecture slides English No