ASE-8016 Advanced Topics in Automation Science and Engineering , 1-10 cr

Implementation ASE-8016 2016-02


Journal Club: Applications of Cellulose Based Materials. 2 credits. Evaluation: Fail/Pass. Requirements: (1) 80% attendance in the Journal Club seminars. (2) Selecting and reading a paper interesting for you, preparing a (PowerPoint) presentation of that and presenting it for the Club. (3) Preparing questions about other presentations. Suggested topics: Nano- and microsystems (e.g. microfluidics), Sensors (e.g. piezoelectric), Biomedical applications (e.g. tissue engineering), Electronic components (e.g. supercapacitors), Functional materials (e.g. composites, substrates, packaging, orientated cellulose fibers and crystals).


Period 3 - 4
Methods of instruction Tentti
Person responsible Sampo Tuukkanen

Assessment scale

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Seminar or exam.

1. uusintatentti Tue 27.06.2017 17:00 - 20:00

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN Additional information Language Examination material
Online book Applied Stochastic Differential Equations Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin These course notes will be updated during the course. English No