ASE-9416 Discrete Automation Systems, 4 cr

Person responsible

Andrei Lobov


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
ASE-9416 2016-01 2 Andrei Lobov
Jose Martinez Lastra

Learning Outcomes

This course provides the knowledge on design of discrete automation systems (DAS). During this course a student will learn basic elements of DAS and methodologies for building DAS.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Automation system organisation (ISA-95) and modelling of DAS.     
2. A standard for programmable logic controllers - IEC-61131-3     
3. Proven methodologies for programmable logic.     

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
ASE-9416 Discrete Automation Systems, 4 cr MEI-24036 Discrete Automation Systems, 4 cr  

Updated by: Jokinen Heikki, 11.04.2016