ELT-47426 Transmission Lines and Waveguides, 5 cr

Person responsible

Jari Kangas, Toni Björninen


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
ELT-47426 2016-01 3 Jari Kangas
Exam and two assignments. Exam is preferably taken by completing a set of tasks.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student is capable of explaining the key features of transmission line and waveguide analysis. He/she is able to analyze properties of guiding structures and cavities using common analysis methods. After the course the student has basic skills to apply the most important numerical design methods and tools.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Theory of wave propagation, interface conditions, TEM waves.     
2. Transmission line theory. Ideal and non-ideal transmission lines.     
3. Waveguides, analysis of TE and TM waves in waveguides.   Dielectric waveguides. Alternatives to tune waveguides. Hybrid modes in waveguides.   
4. Cavity resonators.  Orthogonality of eigenmodes, excitation of a cavity.   
5. Numerical design methods and tools.  Implementation of simulation algorithms.   

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Additional information Examination material
Book   Microwave Engineering   David M. Pozar   ISBN-10: 0471448788 (3rd)     2nd, 3rd or 4th edition   No   


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
ELT-41736 Analysis of Electromagnetic Systems Advisable   1

1 . DEE-12000 Sähkömagnetiikka 1

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
ELT-47426 Transmission Lines and Waveguides, 5 cr SMG-8307 Transmission Lines and Waveguides, 5 cr  

Updated by: Laine Katja, 13.04.2016