DEE-54107 Wind Power Systems, 5 cr

Additional information

Suitable for postgraduate studies.

Person responsible

Enrique Acha Daza


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
DEE-54107 2016-01 2 Enrique Acha Daza
To attend the lectures, to pass the one final exam and to submit all the assignments

Learning Outcomes

Student having taken the course are expected to have a solid understanding of modern Wind Energy Conversion (WEC) Systems; the way WEC systems make optimum use of the wind resource available, the role that power electronic converters play in modern WEC systems, and on the impact of wind farms in the electrical power grid from the steady-state and the dynamic vantages


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Week 1: An overview of the wind energy industry The wind resource Energy extracted from the wind     
2. Week 2: Wind turbines and their operation Induction generators Synchronous generators     
3. Week 3: Fix-speed WEC systems Variable-speed WEC systems     
4. Week 4: Principles of wind farm design: wind measurements and forecastings, layouts, array losses, electrical connections     
5. Week 5: Impact of wind farms on the power grid: steady-state performance     
6. Week 6: Impact of wind farms on the power grid: Dynamic performance I     
7. Week 7: Impact of wind farms on the power grid: Dynamic performance II     

Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes

Exam (60%) Assignment (40%)

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Additional information Examination material
Book   Wind Energy Generation - modelling and control   O. Anaya-Lara et al   9780470714331     John Wiley & Sons, 209, $5260; applicable chapters: 1-8   Yes   
Lecture slides     E. Acha         Yes   


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
DEE-24106 Electric Power Systems Mandatory    
DEE-24126 Flexible Transmission Systems Mandatory    

Additional information about prerequisites
Prerequisites DEE-24106 and DEE-24126 are mandatory only in the Smart Grids study modules.

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
DEE-54107 Wind Power Systems, 5 cr DEE-54106 Wind Power Systems, 3 cr  

Updated by: Nousiainen Kirsi, 25.10.2016