KEB-23306 Laboratory Course in Bioengineering, 5 cr

Toteutuskerta KEB-23306 2016-01


In the course students participate in laboratory work of ongoing research projects related to environmental engineering and bioprocess technology. In order to pass the course, the students should: ¿Participate a preliminary laboratory excercise (~ 6 h) ¿Participate two research projects (~ 45 h / project) ¿Individually write accepted reports from both research projects ¿Participate a final seminar In academic year 2016-2017, the opening lecture will be on period 3 (likely on week 2), the laboratory excercises will be conducted during periods 3 and 4, and the final seminar will be organised during period 4. The students assigned to the course will be provided with more information about the course timetable in period 2.


Periodi 1 - 4
Vastuuhenkilö Marika Kokko, Ville Santala


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Participation in the laboratory exercises, accepted reports and seminar presentation.


Bioengineering/Science and Bioengineering , Biotekniikka , Ympäristö- ja energiatekniikka