KIE-08006 Intercultural Communication Skills, 3 cr


In this course students will increase their awarenes of culture and its influence in communication in the academic and workplace. You will learn and practice skills from the intercultural communication field to interact and work in practical situations with people from different cultural backgrounds. During the course there will be short lectures and practical exercises to develop your intercultural communication skills. This groups is always very multicultural with local and international students that will allow you to learn and teach to eachother.

During this course we will have different learning environments that will allow you to interact with your classmates in different ways. E.g. virtually and in the classroom.

Learning outcomes

Upon completition of this course, students will be able to

- Apply major intercultural theories and frameworks to understand differences between cultures and their communication patterns.

- Recognize features of their own cultural values, assumptions and culturally specific behavior.

- Identify essential elements of intercultural competence.

- Independently explore and analyze critical incidents in the social, professional or academic settings.


Theory from intercultural communication about improving every day interactions in the university environment and in multicultural teams.
Knowledge and theory about collaboration across cultures in the workplace.

Activities in class:

Discussion leading task
Final project presentation in teams

Students will be enrolled on the course according to the time of sign-up, priority given to TUT students to whom the course is compulsory.

Places at the course will be divided as follows:
- 18 students from degree programmes in Finnish
- 14 students from international master's degree programmes
Exchange students can unfortunately be taken into the group only if there are places available.


Carlos Mendoza Santana


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
KIE-08006 2016-01 1 - 2 Carlos Mendoza Santana
The students must complete a minimum of 80% attendance in the course, complete the individual and team tasks assigned during the course. •Implementations: the group will meet 40 h. in total.
KIE-08006 2016-02 1 - 2 Carlos Mendoza Santana
The students must complete a minimum of 80% attendance in the course, complete the individual and team tasks assigned during the course. •Implementations: the group will meet 40 h. in total.
KIE-08006 2016-03 3 - 4 Carlos Mendoza Santana
The students must complete a minimum of 80% attendance in the course, complete the individual and team tasks assigned during the course. •Implementations: the group will meet 40 h. in total.


After completing the course students will identify the main components of intercultural communication in academic, working environments and in their daily life. Students will be able to explain the effects of culture and cultural dynamics behind cross-cultural collaboration, intercultural misunderstandings andl clashes. Students will also learn the process of integration when studying or working abroad. They will be able to describe the strategies to overcome culture shock and reverse culture shock. They will also apply strategies to create synergy, avoid challenges and solve conflict when working in multicultural teams to enhance collaboration. During the course there will be short lectures and practical exercises to develop your intercultural communication skills. This groups is always very multicultural with local and international students that will allow you to learn and teach to eachother. Learning outcomes Students will be able to - Apply major intercultural theories and frameworks to understand differences between cultures and their communication patterns. - Recognize features of their own cultural values, assumptions and culturally specific behavior. - Identify essential elements of intercultural competence. - Independently explore and analyze critical incidents in the social, professional or academic settings. Activities in class: Journals Discussion leading task Final project presentation in teams Students will be enrolled on the course according to the time of sign-up, priority given to TUT students to whom the course is compulsory. Places at the course will be divided as follows: - 18 students from degree programmes in Finnish - 14 students from international master's degree programmes Exchange students can, unfortunately, be taken into the group only if there are places available


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Strategies to set and operate in multicultural teams as: third working culture avoiding cultural clusters setting the rules of engagement      
2. - Models of intercultural adaptation to new cultural environments living, studying and working in multicultural environments     
3. -Skills and knowledge of intercultural competence to avoid and solve conflicts across cultures.     
4. -Components of intercultural negotiations     

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

The students must complete a minimum of 80% attendance in the course and complete the individual and team tasks assigned during the course.


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Mendoza Santana Carlos, 19.03.2017