KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr


This Spoken Communication in English course (KIE-32046) is integrated with the course Rakentamisen tuotantotekniikka ja työurvallisuus (RAK-51000).

Both courses are offered in the second year of the bachelor's degree programme for RAK and will take place during periods 1 and 2.

Priority will be given to second-year students enrolled on the bachelor's degree programme for RAK and who are taking the course RAK-51000.

Please sign up for both courses.

When a course is over-subscribed, i.e. there are more sign-ups than places on the course, then we enrol the required number of students according to the sign-up time and target group. Students on the sign-up / waiting list have to be present at the start of the lesson on the first day of the course to be sure of retaining their place. The course is only intended for degree students


Sari Isokääntä


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
KIE-32046 2016-01 1 - 2 Sari Isokääntä
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation.
KIE-32046 2016-02 1 - 2 Timo Lepistö
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation.
KIE-32046 2016-03 1 - 2 Timo Lepistö
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation.
KIE-32046 2016-04 1 - 2 Sari Isokääntä
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation.


At the end of the course, the students are able to engage in small talk; •make use of language learning resources to develop vocabulary and grammatical knowledge; •engage in discussions about basic concepts and principles central to the students'’ field of study; •research technological topics in English by critically reading from both popular and scientific sources; •summarize information from these sources in speech; •design short oral presentations; •design visual aids in support of presentations; •design, rehearse and deliver a short informational presentation; give constructive feedback


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Designing, rehearsing and delivering an informational presentation.     
2. Researching technological topics by critically reading from both popular and scientific sources. Summarising information from these sources in speech.      
3. Collaborating in pairs or groups in order to engage in professional communication situations, such as poster presentations or expert panels.     
4. Engaging in discussions about basic concepts and principles central to students’ field of study.     
5. Making use of a range of resources to develop spoken communication skills, vocabulary and grammatical knowledge independently.     
6. Engaging in small talk.     
7. Giving constructive feedback.     

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Assessment will take into account the following: - Active participation; min 80% attendance; participation and interaction with peers (in and outside of the classroom); - Successful completion of all course key tasks as well as in-class and out-of-class assignments, including peer review; - Language and communication skills demonstrated via communication events such as an expert panel activity; and - A final presentation including preparation.


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr KIE-32016 Spoken Communication in English/TTI, 3 cr  
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr KIE-32056 Spoken Communication in English/LTT, 3 cr  
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr KIE-32066 Spoken Communication in English/TST, 3 cr  
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr KIE-32006 Spoken Communication in English, 3 cr  
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr KIE-32026 Spoken Communication in English/TUTA & TIJO, 3 cr  
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr KIE-32036 Spoken Communication in English/BIO, 3 cr  
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr KIE-32906 English Language Exam / Spoken, 3 cr  

Päivittäjä: Saarenpää Paula, 10.06.2016