YHTTAY-62016 Knowledge, Business and Work in Digital Society, 5 cr


Linkki TaY:n oppaaseen https://www10.uta.fi/opas/opintojakso.htm?rid=13359&idx=0&uiLang=fi&lang=en&lvv=2016
Tampereen yliopiston kurssi. Ilmoittautuminen ristiinopiskelupalvelun kautta. www.tampere3.fi
Course by University of Tampere . Application in cross-institunional study service in www.tampere3.fi


Sonja Ojanen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
YHTTAY-62016 2016-01 2 Sonja Ojanen


The introduction course approaches the phenomenon from the perspectives of information sciences, business and management as well as public administration and politics. The course analyses digitalization at the different societal levels and provides tools for understanding and conceptualizing the phenomenon both in theoretical and managerial terms. Student becomes familiar with various impacts of digitalization on society and is able to compare its pros and cons.


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Päivittäjä: Ojanen Sonja, 19.10.2016