YHTTAY-24486 High-throughput Data Analysis, 5 cr

Toteutuskerta YHTTAY-24486 2016-01


A course on Deep sequencing technologies, DNA microarrays, Statistical methods for the analysis of high-throughput measurement data and Data classification and clustering. The course is given in the University of Tampere Kauppi Campus. See the details in the University of Tampere web site.

Periodi Ei toteuteta lukuvuonna 2016-2017.
Vastuuhenkilö Andre Sanches Ribeiro


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Please visit: https://bioinformatics.fi/BIO4450/


Bioengineering/Science and Bioengineering , Biomedical Engineering (before 1.8.2014) , Biotekniikka , Information Technology , Tietotekniikka

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

The course and implementation round is for the study planning and assesment. Sign up to the course according to the UTA's instructions.