Pervasive Systems, 50 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Advanced Studies


Hannu-Matti Järvinen, Jani Boutellier, Jarmo Takala


- Students in computer systems will have:
- the ability to designing digital systems, including
application-specific circuits, processors, embedded systems, and systems-on-chip
- understanding on the functionality of digital and computer systems
- ability to design new equipment using modern methods and design tools
- the ability to understand, design, and implement concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems.
- Students in sensor-based engineering will have:
- good understanding on MEMS sensor measurements and error sources
- the ability to use sensor data to improve positioning and navigation accuracy
- ability to design context aware features for laction-based services
- Students in software specialisation will have
- a good understanding of software engineering
- the ability to design and implement software systems
- ability to manage and improve software development processes
- the ability to understand, design, and implement concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems.
- The student can specialise the studies in software or computer systems, or sensor-based context awareness..


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet P/S Lisätiedot
Ohjelmistotekniikka 25 op Advisable
Tietokonetekniikka 25 op Advisable
Tietotekniikan suuntaavat opinnot 18 op Mandatory Equivalent knowledge required for international students.


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
TIE-20106 Data Structures and Algorithms 5 op IV  
TIE-50106 Digital Design 5 op IV  
Yhteensä 10 op  

Pakolliset vaihtoehtoiset opintojaksot

Must be selected at least 20 credits of courses

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vaihtoehtoisuus Vuosikurssi
ASE-3036 Microsensors 5 op 3   IV  
ELT-46006 Introduction to Satellite Positioning 5 op 3   IV  
TIE-13106 Project Work on Pervasive Systems 5-10 op 4   V  
TIE-21106 Software Engineering Methodologies 6 op 1   IV  
TIE-21306 Software architectures 5 op 1   IV  
TIE-23506 Web Software Development 5 op 1   IV  
TIE-50406 DSP Implementations 5 op 2   IV  
TIE-50506 System Design 5 op 2   IV  
TIE-51257 Parallel Embedded Computing 5 op 2   IV  
TIE-52206 Inertial Sensors and Their Applications 5 op 3   IV  
TST-01606 Demola Project Work 5-10 op 4   V  

1. Valittava 3 opintojaksoa. Sotfware engineering specialisation
2. Valittava 3 opintojaksoa. Computer systems specialisation
3. Valittava 3 opintojaksoa. Sensor-based context awareness specialisation
4. Valittava 1 opintojaksoa. Courses are mutually exclusive. Has to be selected one regardless of the specialisation.

Täydentävät opintojaksot

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 50 ETCS

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
ELT-41206 Basic Course on Wireless Communications 5 op
ELT-44606 Digital Circuits and Platforms 5 op
ELT-46006 Introduction to Satellite Positioning 5 op
ELT-51006 Networking Laboratory I 4-5 op
ELT-51107 Computer Networking I 6 op
SGN-11006 Basic Course in Signal Processing 5 op
TIE-11206 Special Topics on Pervasive Computing 1-5 op
TIE-11306 Course on Varying Topics of Pervasive Computing 3-6 op
TIE-20306 Principles of Programming Languages 5 op
TIE-21201 Ohjelmistojen testaus 5 op
TIE-23101 Käyttöjärjestelmät 5 op
TIE-23506 Web Software Development 5 op
TIE-23600 Palvelupohjaiset järjestelmät 5 op
TIE-30101 Tietoturvallisuuden perusteet 2 op
TIE-40206 Cross-Cultural Design 3 op
TIE-41406 Human-Centered Design Project 5 op
TIE-51257 Parallel Embedded Computing 5 op
TST-01606 Demola Project Work 5-10 op

Päivittäjä: Viitala Anna-Mari, 27.06.2017