BMT-99907 Seminars, 1-15 cr


The course is carried out with changing themes. Performance requirements and other details, such as schedules will be announced separately before each implementation. The course is only intended for degree students
Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Hannu Eskola, Olli Yli-Harja, Jari Hyttinen, Minna Kellomäki, Jari Viik


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
BMT-99907 2017-02 1 - 2 Veikko Sariola
Sampo Tuukkanen
(1) 80% attendance in the Journal Club seminars.
(2) Selecting and reading a paper interesting for you, preparing a (PowerPoint) presentation of that and presenting it for the Club.
(3) Preparing questions about other presentations.

Suggested topics: Rapid prototyping (e.g. 3D printing, molding/casting, printable electronics), Stretchable electronics (e.g. stretchable strain gauges or pressure sensors), Functional materials (e.g. biotic materials, electroactive polymers, light-responsive materials), Actuators (e.g. pneumatic, hydraulic, shape-memory alloys etc.), Biomedical applications (e.g. surgery or implants) and related topics.
BMT-99907 2017-03 1 - 2 Ville Rantanen
Antti Vehkaoja
- Active participation to the seminar and discussions
- To give two presentations on agreed topics
- To write an essay on agreed topic
BMT-99907 2017-04 3 - 5 Soile Nymark
This seminar is divided into 20 topics according to the chapters of the book "The retina and its disorders" by J.C. Berharse & D. Bok. To pass the course, the students need to get familiar with each of topic before the seminar and to prepare comments and questions related to the topic. In addition, each of the topics are presented to other students by one student so that one topic presented by one student will be discussed during one 90 min seminar. Passing the course requires active participation in the seminar discussions, comments and questions as well as giving at least two presentations on the seminar topics.
BMT-99907 2017-01 - Stefanie Kohlhoff


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Kohlhoff Stefanie, 03.05.2017