BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, 3-8 cr

Implementation BMT-87006 2017-01


Mechanical Properties of Tissues, June 2018


Period 5
Methods of instruction Seminaari, Luento
Person responsible Jonathan Massera, June Schneider

Assessment scale

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)

Additional information of course implementation

Mechanical Properties of Tissues, June 2018

BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/01 Mon 04.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/02 Tue 05.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/03 Wed 06.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/04 Thu 07.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/05 Fri 08.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/01 Mon 11.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/02 Tue 12.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/03 Wed 13.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/04 Thu 14.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Lec/05 Fri 15.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00
BMT-87006 Varying Topics in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering/Sem/01 Wed 20.06.2018 09:00 - 13:00