MEI-71056 Control of Mechatronic Systems, 5 cr

Additional information

Lectures: TkT Heikki Saha (CTO, TK Engineering Oy)

Person responsible

Jussi Aaltonen


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
MEI-71056 2017-01 2 Jussi Aaltonen
Olli Usenius
Approved project works

Learning Outcomes

- Student knows and is able to apply in practice principles related to various buses used in the control of mechtronic systems - Student is able to apply control theory in design of mechatronic servo drives


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. CAN in mechatronic systems  Other buses used in mechatronic systems   
2. Control theory related to mechatronic systems     

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Additional information Examination material
Book   TBD           Yes   
Lecture slides   Luentomateriaali   Heikki Saha         Yes   


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
MEI-42200 Mekatroniset järjestelmät Mandatory    

Correspondence of content

There is no equivalence with any other courses

Updated by: Andersson Kirsi, 04.04.2017