MAT-62006 Inverse Problems, 7 cr

Implementation MAT-62006 2017-01


Introduction to inverse probllems and their solution methods

Period The implementation will not be executed during the academic year 2017-2018.
Methods of instruction
Person responsible Mikko Kaasalainen, Sampsa Pursiainen

Assessment scale

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Exam + project work/problem classes

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN Additional information Language Examination material
Lecture slides Inverse Problems Fox, Nicholls, Tan English No
Lecture slides Inverse Problems Samuli Siltanen English Yes
Lecture slides Käänteiset ongelmat Jari Kaipio Suomi No
Summary of lectures Inverse problems course text Mikko Kaasalainen English Yes
Online book Inversio-ongelmat Erkki Somersalo Suomi No