MAT-68256 Mathematics Literature, 0-10 cr

Additional information

One or more written exams based on a textbook. Contact your teacher for more details.

Yksi tai useampia tenttejä valitusta kirjallisuudesta. Sovi opettajaltasi kanssa suorituksesta.
Suitable for postgraduate studies.

Person responsible

Esko Turunen, Henri Hansen


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
MAT-68256 2017-01 1 - 5 Esko Turunen

Learning Outcomes

As a part of their postgraduate studies students may include literature in mathematics, suitable for their research and supporting the research work. Book-specific contents, performance criteria and numbers of credits are then agreed with the instructors.

Additional information about prerequisites
BSc with major or minor in mathematics or corresponding studies.

Correspondence of content

There is no equivalence with any other courses

Updated by: Ikonen Suvi-Päivikki, 28.03.2017