RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business, 6 cr
Implementation RAK-59126 2017-01
Period | 3 |
Methods of instruction | Luento |
Person responsible | Pekka Huovinen |
Assessment scale
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
The focus of this course is on a student’s learning about the managing of IB and ICB issues. Nevertheless, a student is learning about relevant aspects of leading people and managing stakeholder relationships, too.
In addition, a high-performing student or team (a) can combine many schools, multiple generic BM, applied IB management, and contextual ICB management concepts into a theoretically sound ICB management concept, (b) can incorporate into such a concept many contextual elements that are necessary for success in a focal ICB type and within targeted market types as well as (c) can tailor or adjust such a concept to a focal firm and its ICB unit.
Additional information of course implementation
Do please remember to enroll yourself into the course site in Moodle!!!
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RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business/Lec/01 | Tue 09.01.2018 | 13:00 - 17:00 |
RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business/Lec/01 | Tue 16.01.2018 | 13:00 - 17:00 |
RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business/Lec/01 | Tue 23.01.2018 | 13:00 - 17:00 |
RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business/Lec/01 | Tue 30.01.2018 | 13:00 - 17:00 |
RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business/Lec/01 | Tue 06.02.2018 | 13:00 - 17:00 |
RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business/Lec/01 | Tue 13.02.2018 | 13:00 - 17:00 |
RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business/Lec/01 | Tue 20.02.2018 | 13:00 - 17:00 |
Study material
Type | Name | Author | ISBN | Additional information | Language | Examination material |
Book | A theory of organizational knowledge creation | Nonaka I., Toyama R. and Byosiere P. (2001) | Ch. 22 in Dierkes M. et al., Eds, Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge. Oxford University Press, pp. 491-517. | English | No | |
Book | Managing across borders. The transnational solution | Bartlett C. A. and Ghoshal S. (1998, 2002) | Ch 4. Century Business. pp. 57-71. | English | No | |
Book | Strategic management and competitive advantage – Concepts and cases. | Barney J. B. and Hesterly, W. S., (2008) | 0-13-154274-5 | Pearson International Education/Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., pp. 4-5, 10-14, 74-107. | English | Yes |
Book | The new strategic management. Organization, competition, and competence | Sanchez R. and Heene A. | 0-471-89953-4 | Wiley, 2004, Chapters 1 and 3-5. | English | Yes |
Book | Toward a dynamic theory of strategy | Porter, M. E. (1994) | 0-87584-645-9 | In Rumelt R., Schendel, D., Teece D. (eds), Fundamental issues in strategy. Harvard Business School Press. Pages 423-461 | English | Yes |
Journal | A solution business model: Capabilities and management practices for integrated solutions | Storbacka K. | Industrial Marketing Management, 2011, Vol. 40, pp. 699-711. | English | Yes | |
Journal | Business models in project business | Wikström K., Artto K., Kujala J. and Söderlund J. | International Journal of Project Management, 2010, Vol. 28, pp. 832-841. | English | Yes | |
Journal | Corporate property strategy is integral to corporate business strategy | Roulac S. E. (2001) | Journal of Real Estate Research, Vol. 22, Nos. 1/2, pp. 129-152 | English | No | |
Journal | Does KM produce practical outcomes? | Massingham P. R, and Massingham R. K. (2014) | Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 221-254. | English | No | |
Journal | Dynamic capabilities and strategic management | Teece D. J., Pisano G. and Shuen A. (1997) | Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 18, no. 7, 509-533. | English | No | |
Journal | Dynamic capabilities at IBM: Driving strategy into action | Harreld J. B., O’Reilly III C. A., and Tushman M. L. | California Management Review, 2007, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 21-43. | English | Yes | |
Journal | Exploring the contribution of management innovation to the evolution of dynamic capabilities | Gebauer H. (2011) | Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 40, pp. 1238-1250. | English | No | |
Journal | Harnessing your staff's informal networks | McDermott R. and Archibald D. (2010) | Harvard Business Review, Vol. 88, March, pp. 83-89. | English | No | |
Journal | Managing the process-centred enterprise. | Hatten K. J. and Rosenthal S. R. | Long Range Planning, 1999, Vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 293-310. | English | Yes | |
Journal | Quantum strategy at Apple Inc | Heracleous L. (2013) | Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 42, pp. 92-99 | English | No | |
Journal | Strategic agility in MNEs | Fourne S. P. L., Jansen J. J. P. and Mom T. J. M. (2014) | California Management Review, Vol. 56, Spring, pp. 13-38. | English | No | |
Journal | System supplier’s customer strategy | Helander A. and Möller K. | Industrial Marketing Management, 2007, Vol. 36, pp. 719-730. | English | Yes | |
Journal | Systems sales as a competitive response to the Asian challenge: Case of a global ship power supplier | Salonen A., gabrielsson M. and Al-Obaidi Z. | Industrial Marketing Management, 2006, Vol. 35, pp. 740-750. | English | Yes | |
Journal | The Uppsala internationalization process model revisited | Johanson J. and Vahlne J.-E. (2009) | Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 40, pp. 1411-1431. | English | No | |
Journal | The core competence of the corporation | Prahalad C. K. and Hamel G. (1990) | Harvard Business Review, 1990, Vol. 68 (May-June), pp. 79-91. | English | Yes | |
Journal | The core competencies of effective project execution: The challenge of diversity | Lampel j. | Inter-national Journal of Project Management, 2001, Vol. 19, pp. 471-483. | English | Yes | |
Journal | The future of resource-based theory: Revitalization or decline? | Barney J. B., Ketchen Jr. D.J. and Wright M. (2011) | Journal of Management, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1299-1315. | English | No | |
Journal | The internationalization process of the firm - A model of knowledge | Johanson J. and Vahlne J.-E. (1977) | Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 8, Spring, pp. 23-32. | English | No | |
Journal | The quest of resilience | Hamel G. and Välikangas l. (2003) | Harvard Business Review, Vol. 82, September, pp. 52-63 | English | No | |
Journal | Understanding competence-based management: Identifying and managing five modes of competence | Sanchez R. | Journal of Business Research, 2004, Vol. 57, pp. 518-532. | English | Yes | |
Other literature | Advancing IB ideation: A review of competence-related management concepts published between 1990-2012 | Huovinen P. (2013) | In Larimo J., et al., eds., Proceedings of 12th Vaasa Conference on IB. U. of Vaasa. 21-23 August. pp. 1-25. | English | Yes | |
Other literature | Built to become - corporate longevity and strategic leadership | Burgelman R. (2014) | Stanford University, Working Paper Series, # 3115, pp. 1-40 | English | No | |
Other literature | Platform for advancing research in competence-based BM: A population of 84 concepts published between 1990-2002. | Huovinen P. (2008) | Research in Competence-Based Management, Vol. 4, pp. 175-218. | English | Yes | |
Other literature | Service innovation myopia? A new recipe for client-provider value creation. | Möller K., Rajala R. and Westerlund M. | California Management Review, 2008, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 31-48. | English | Yes | |
Other literature | The building system as a strategic asset in industrialized construction | Johnsson H. (2011) | In Haugbolle K. et al., Eds, Proceedings of the 6th CREON Conference. Aalborg, Denmark. pp. 541-552. | English | No | |
Other online content | Theoretical 71-concept platform for advancing construction-related BM | Huovinen P. (2014) | Paper to be presented at the 8th Nordic Conference on CEO2015, Tampere, 27-29 May 2015 | English | No |