ASE-2916 Robotics and Automation, 5 cr

Person responsible

Luis Gonzalez Moctezuma, Jose Martinez Lastra


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
ASE-2916 2017-01 3 - 4 Luis Gonzalez Moctezuma
Jose Martinez Lastra

Learning Outcomes

The student can program the basic equipment of the discrete manufacturing automation in practice (sensors, actuators, logics, robotics). In the end of the course students have good understanding of the field of discrete manufacturing automation in practise.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. To learn basic functions of logic programming (instruction list, ladder diagram, function block diagram). Students can use basic functions to control digital inputs and outputs. They can use also timers, counters, wordlogic, compararison functions etc. Students get familar with sensors and actuators of automation used in dicrete manufacturing industry.  Student can resolve complicated PLC tasks with conventional logic programming language.   
2. To learn basic principles of advanced logic programming languages (structured text, sequential function chart).  Student can resolve complicated PLC tasks.   
3. To learn basic robot programming skills. Robot coordinates, movements, control of inputs and outputs.  Student can resolve changeling robot tasks.  Student has good capability to apply robot technology to practical problems. Student knows restrictions and potential of the robotics. 

Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes

The student should successfully accomplish a set of assignments.

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)

Correspondence of content

There is no equivalence with any other courses

Updated by: Uusi-Heikkilä Janne, 06.06.2018