ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications, 3 cr

Implementation ELT-43456 2017-01


This course focuses on the requirements, enabling techniques, use cases and applications of the different Wireless Communications technologies for Internet-of-Things and Internet-of-Everything.
Course grading: passed / failed

Requirements for all

Lecture attendance (min 5 out of 7)
lecture diaries (min. 500 words per lecture) for each lecture
Lecture diaries should not be a summary of the lecture, but instead reflect the students own thoughts and understanding on specific topics related to the lecture
Reading additional material is encouraged
The deadline for returning each lecture diary is 2 weeks from the lecture
Name the lecture diary as lectureXdiary_abcdef, where X is the lecture number and abcdef is your student number

reasonable answers to all lecture questions
The deadline for returning answers to the lecture questions is 2 weeks from the lecture
Name the lecture answers as lectureXanswers_abcdef, where X is the lecture number and abcdef is your student number

The preferred formats for lecture diary and answers are .doc and .docx
Returning of the diaries and lecture answers is ONLY through Moodle2 (email answers are not considered)

In the case of missed lecture students will be asked to write extended lecture diaries

minimum 1000 words for the first missed lecture and
minimum 2000 words for the second missed lecture

Extra requirements for Ph.D. students

4 page scientific essay in IEEE format which goes beyond what is included in the lecture slides
Ph.D. students propose a topic to Asoc. Prof. Elena Simona Lohan (elena-simona.lohan@tut.fi)
The deadline for returning essay is 2 weeks after the last lecture (9th of May)


Period 4
Methods of instruction Luento
Person responsible Toni Levanen, Elena-Simona Lohan, Markku Renfors, Mikko Valkama

Assessment scale

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


Active participation in the lectures, written homeworks (lecture diary) and literature study or simulation project. For doctoral students, the scope of homeworks and project is more advanced compared to MSc students.

Additional information of course implementation

In contrast to the advance information, this course will be organized as seven lecture sessios during Period 4, completely independently from the course ELT-43406 5G Mobile Communications.

ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications/Lec/01 Wed 07.03.2018 14:00 - 17:00
ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications/Lec/01 Wed 14.03.2018 14:00 - 17:00
ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications/Lec/01 Wed 21.03.2018 14:00 - 17:00
ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications/Lec/01 Wed 04.04.2018 14:00 - 17:00
ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications/Lec/01 Wed 11.04.2018 14:00 - 17:00
ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications/Lec/01 Wed 18.04.2018 14:00 - 17:00
ELT-43456 Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications/Lec/01 Wed 25.04.2018 14:00 - 17:00

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN Additional information Language Examination material
Lecture slides Toni Levanen, Markku Renfors, Mikko Valkama, Elena Simona Lohan English No