Mathematics, 50 cr

Type of the study module

Advanced Studies


Esko Turunen, Merja Laaksonen

Learning Outcomes

- The extended advanced study module in Mathematics is intended to give the student an exceptionally solid knowledge of the foundations of mathematics for research, post-graduate studies and other further training, and especially applications in industry and elsewhere.

Studies in the Analysis mainly deal with functional analysis and its applications, and measure and integration theory. This area lends itself nicely to mathematics itself and the more theoretical engineering sciences. The main topics then are measure and integration, functional analysis and its applications.

Discrete Mathematics is mainly mathematics needed in modelling algorithmics, data communication, and symbolical calculation. Applications of the old areas of number theory, logic and algebra will be included, too.


Study block Credit points Mandatory/Advisable Additional information
Mathematics 25 cr Mandatory Or a corresponding prerequisite module of sufficient mathematical content.


Optional Compulsory Courses

Must be selected at least 20 credits of courses

Course Credit points Class
MAT-60206 Mathematical Analysis 5 cr IV  
MAT-60556 Mathematical Logic 5 cr IV  
MAT-61006 Introduction to Functional Analysis 7 cr IV  
MAT-63506 Scientific Computing 5 cr IV  
MAT-63807 Introduction to Data Mining: The B-Course and GUHA-Method 5 cr IV  

Complementary Courses

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 50 ETCS

Course Credit points Additional information Class
LTT-32006 Demola Project Work 5-10 cr  
MAT-60250 Matemaattisen mallinnuksen peruskurssi 5 cr IV  
MAT-60350 Tilastolliset monimuuttujamenetelmät 5 cr IV  
MAT-60456 Optimization Methods 5 cr IV  
MAT-61506 Dynamical Systems and Chaos 7 cr IV  
MAT-61757 Measure and Integration 5 cr  
MAT-62006 Inverse Problems 7 cr IV  
MAT-62506 Linear Systems 5 cr IV  
MAT-63506 Scientific Computing 5 cr IV  
MAT-63807 Introduction to Data Mining: The B-Course and GUHA-Method 5 cr IV  
MAT-63856 Advanced Applied Logics 5 cr IV  
MAT-64000 Jatkuvat mallit 4 cr IV  
MAT-64500 Datan analyysimenetelmät mallinnuksessa 4 cr IV  
MAT-64750 Mallinnus ja optimointi 4 cr IV  
MAT-65250 Osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöt mallinnuksessa 4 cr IV  
MAT-67506 Mathematics Project Work 2-10 cr IV  
MAT-67756 Post-Graduate Seminar in Mathematics 2-10 cr V  
MAT-68007 Topics in Mathematics 2-10 cr IV  
MAT-68256 Mathematics Literature 0-10 cr V  
MAT-72006 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures 7 cr 1 IV  
MAT-72306 Randomized Algorithms 4 cr 1 IV  
MAT-72606 Approximation Algorithms 4 cr 1 IV  
MAT-73006 Theoretical Computer Science 7 cr 1 IV  
MAT-74006 Concurrency Theory 7 cr 1 IV  
MAT-75006 Artificial Intelligence 7 cr 1 IV  
YHTTAY-60350 Monimuuttujamenetelmät 5 cr  
YHTTAY-60550 Johdatus logiikkaan 1 5 cr IV  
YHTTAY-60560 Johdatus logiikkaan 2 5 cr IV  
YHTTAY-62750 Johdatus graafiteoriaan 5 cr  

1. You can have at most 2 courses of these courses.

Additional information

Useimmista opintokokonaisuuksista valittavissa on myös suomenkielinen materiaali sekä suomenkielinen harjoitusryhmä. Melkein kaikki kurssit voi myös tenttiä suomenkielellä.

Updated by: Kunnari Jaana, 06.04.2018