Complementary Studies in Bioengineering, 0 cr

Type of the study module

Complementary Studies


Ville Santala


Complementary Courses

Students admitted to a Master's degree programme may be required to complement their earlier degree. All students with a Finnish University of Applied Sciences (AMK) degree are required to complete a study package which generally includes courses in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry depending on the student's background.

Course Credit points Additional information
MAT-01166 Mathematics 1 5 cr 1
MAT-01266 Mathematics 2 5 cr 1
MAT-01366 Mathematics 3 5 cr 1
MAT-02456 Fourier Methods 4 cr 1
MAT-02506 Probability Calculus 4 cr 1
MAT-04006 Engineering Mathematics 123 7 cr 1
TIE-02106 Introduction to Programming 5 cr 3
TTA-11016 Basics of Industrial Management 4 cr 2

1. Mathematics studies: Courses worth at least 23 credits must be selected if not completed corresponding prior
2. Economic studies: Courses worth at least 4 credits must be selected if not completed corresponding prior
3. Information Technology studies: Courses worth at least 5 credits must be selected if not completed corresponding prior

Updated by: Kunnari Jaana, 07.11.2017