BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics, 3 cr

Toteutuskerta BMT-57407 2017-01


Periodi 3
Opetusmuodot Luento, Tentti, Harjoitukset
Vastuuhenkilö Alpo Värri


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Bioengineering/Science and Bioengineering , Biotekniikka , Electrical Engineering , Information Technology , Sähkötekniikka , Tietojohtaminen , Tietotekniikka

Exam Thu 01.03.2018 13:00 - 16:00
Exam Tue 24.04.2018 17:00 - 20:00
Exam Tue 28.08.2018 17:00 - 20:00
BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics/Lec/01 Thu 11.01.2018 10:00 - 12:00
BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics/Lec/01 Thu 08.02.2018 10:00 - 12:00
BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics/Lec/01 Thu 22.02.2018 10:00 - 12:00
BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics/E/01 Wed 17.01.2018 08:00 - 10:00
BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics/E/01 Wed 24.01.2018 08:00 - 10:00
BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics/E/01 Wed 31.01.2018 08:00 - 10:00
BMT-57407 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics/E/01 Wed 14.02.2018 08:00 - 10:00


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN Lisätiedot Kieli Tenttimateriaali
Book Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED Tim Benson 978-1-4471-2800-7 Clear introduction to important standards in this course, recommended. English No
Lecture slides Lecture notes on Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics N.N. English Yes
Other online content Standard documents ISO/TC215, CEN/TC251, HL7, IEEE 11073, European Commission, FDA Selected health informatics standards from various standardisation organisations English Yes