YHTTAY-04006 Principles of Usability, User Experience and User Interfaces, 5 cr


The course is organised by University of Tampere by name 'TIEVA36 Principles of Usability, User Experience and User Interfaces'. It is not appropriate for those who have studied the 'TIE-04100 Basic course on user experience', but is strongly recommended Msc students with UX / HTI major who have taken no prior studies in User Experience.

The course belongs to User Experience major subject. Sign-up to the course via UTA's Nettiopsu.

The TUT's students are expected to apply through the Tampere3 cross-institutional study service www.tampere3.fi/serviceforcrossinstitutionalstudies.
International degree student majoring in User Experience are not required to apply for courses at UTA through the Tampere3 cross-institutional study service.
The course is only intended for degree students


Thomas Olsson, Kaisa Väänänen, Aino Ahtinen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
YHTTAY-04006 2017-01 1 Aino Ahtinen
Thomas Olsson
Kaisa Väänänen
Online course organized by UTA.


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Hämäläinen Virpi, 05.04.2017