KIE-34106 Academic Writing in English, 3 cr

Toteutuskerta KIE-34106 2017-02


This is a PILOT course for students of TutaTijo who are also taking part in the course TLO-32021 Liiketoimintatiedon hallinta ( TLO-32021 2017-01 ), i.e.
TLO-32021 Business and Competitive Intelligence ( TLO-32021 2017-01 ) .

This implementation of Academic Writing is mandatory for those students in the second year of their programme who wish to take English for their degree programme's second language requirement. However, all students participating in TLO-32021 are invited to participate and gain (extra) credits for English. In addition, all students participating in TLO-32021 will be entitled to the same language and communication support with their assignments, regardless of whether they need or want to earn the credits available. To get the credits for English, sign up here at any time before the end of period 2.


Periodi 1 - 2
Vastuuhenkilö Sarina Lewis


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Active participation and successful completion of course assignments by their deadlines.


Tekniikan kandidaattiopiskelijat , Tietojohtaminen , Tuotantotalous