TTI-55006 Demola Project Works, 5-10 cr


* You sign in separately to the course ( and to Demola (
* You need to apply and be selected to a Demola project (
* International students: Also check that you can include this course in your studies so that you get the credits


David Hästbacka, Mikko Vanhatalo, Juha Nykänen, Jari Seppälä, Petteri Multanen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
TTI-55006 2017-01 1 - 5 David Hästbacka
Petteri Multanen
Juha Nykänen
Jari Seppälä
Mikko Vanhatalo


After the course, the student is able to participate in a professional role in a team that creates a demo or a prototype of a product, service or other innovation, using agile development practices, design and product research methods. Team working skills are especially emphasised as the course comprises of an assignment carried out by a group of students having different backgrounds and skill sets. By writing a project report the student will learn to summarise, rationalise and explain the findings and ideas developed during the project. Oral presentation skills will also be learned as the students present and explain their findings in a project presentation.


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Päivittäjä: Korpela Anjariitta, 20.04.2018