RAK-19006 Various Topics of Civil Engineering, 2-15 cr

Toteutuskerta RAK-19006 2017-04


After completing the course, the student will be able to distinguish the diversity of institutional arrangements and the variety of stakeholders in the water sector. The student will be able to analyze the roles of key stakeholders and their interrelations. The student will also be able to analyze the reasons why water sector policies and management practices vary in different countries, and within a country. A vital part of the course are small assignments, where the students analyze a report/document(s), summarize main findings , and discuss those in the classroom with other students and teachers.


Periodi 4
Opetusmuodot Monimuoto-opetus, Seminaari
Vastuuhenkilö Petri Juuti, Tapio Katko, Pekka Pietilä, Riikka Rajala


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


The course grade is based on a) participation and the activity of the student during classroom discussions, b) small assignments (written summaries of selected documents/reports), and c) oral presentations of the assignments. To pass the course with the grade 3 the student has to show activity during classroom situations, the assignments have to be properly compiled and the oral presentations on standard level. To pass with the grade 4 the student has to be present in all sessions, take actively part in discussions, show competence in assignments in analyzing points specified in column "Complementary knowledge". The student may achieve grade 5 if he/she is additionally able to demonstrate good command of points specified in column "Special knowledge".


International Students , Jatkotutkinto-opiskelijat , Rakennustekniikka , Ympäristö- ja energiatekniikka

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

International Water Policy and Management

The course will contain presentations by several senior or other experts with international experiences especially from developing economies. We will start with more global views on water resources and services, followed by more specific presentations. For each sessions of 3 hours there will be two presentations. Based on the sessions a short personal learning diary is to be written. In the early phase we will decide themes for group seminars that will be presented in the last session.The names of the speakers are expected to be announced before Christmas.

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