ELT-47446 Antennas, 8 cr
Courses ELT-41746 Antenna Basics, ELT-47446 Antennas, and ELT-47466 Antenna Project are intended to support each other.
For students who want to further increase their knowledge about design and construction of antennas, it is recommended to take also ELT-47466 Antenna Project.
Note that Antenna Basics is given during the first three weeks of the 3rd period, Antennas starts at the middle of the 3rd period (i.e. after the Antenna Basics).
Suitable for postgraduate studies.
Jari Kangas, Jouko Heikkinen, Mikko Valkama
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
ELT-47446 2017-01 | 3 - 4 |
Jari Kangas |
Exam and compulsory homework, a modeling assignment, and an antenna analysis assignment. All tasks and assignments contribute to the final grade. The compulsory homework includes online tasks and paper-and-pen homework sets. The modeling assignment includes simulation tasks and construction of a patch antenna, this assignment is done in pairs. The antenna analysis assignment includes a literature review on a relevant antenna topic or design and construction of a simple wideband antenna. Antenna analysis assignment includes preparing a report and presenting the work to the class. The literature review is recommended especially as preparation for those students who aim to take also the Antenna Project -course. Exam focuses on general/key properties of antennas and it has rather small weight in the final grade. One exam is arranged at the end of the 4th period, after the lectures are completed; another as agreed with students (tentatively in May). |
After completing the course, * student is able to analyze properties of common antenna types and to use key antenna parameters in the analysis. * student is able to explain principles of radiation from antennas. * student is able to design common antenna structures. * student can apply numerical simulation tools to elementary antenna design problems and has experience is interpreting their results. * student has experience in constructing basic antenna type(s) and in use of measurement results in evaluating properties of the constructed antenna(s). * student is able to find information from relevant literature and create a scientific report describing his work.
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Review of wave propagation, spherical wave propagation from antennas, antenna as a receiver. | Lorentz reciprocity theorem | |
2. | Radiation from a fixed current density. Electrical and magnetic dipoles. Numerical simulations to analyze electric and magnetic dipoles. | Pocklington's equation | Method of moments |
3. | Antenna arrays. Array factor, beam steering, mutual coupling in arrays. Numerical simulations of antenna arrays. | Antenna synthesis | MIMO--systems |
4. | Influence of nearby passive structures, ideal ground plane. Quality factor, fundamental limitations on size, efficiency, and bandwidth of antennas. | Scale models for antennas. | Metamaterials |
5. | Microstrip antennas: Analytical models (Cavity / transmission line / full wave model); substrates, surface waves, feeding techniques. Examples of other resonant antennas. | Broadbanding of microstrip antennas | |
6. | Broadband antennas. Log-periodic and spiral antennas. Numerical simulations of broadband antennas. | Babinet principle | |
7. | Aperture antennas. Radiation from a slot, analysis of basic horn antennas. | Huygens principle | |
8. | Numerical design methods and tools. Construction of simple antennas (dipoles, microstrip patches, simple wideband antennas). Basic antenna measurements. Reporting and interpreting measurement and simulation results. | Basics of simulation algorithms, e.g. method of moments algorithm. |
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Lisätiedot | Tenttimateriaali |
Book | Antenna Theory and Design | Warren L. Stutzman, Gary A. Thiele | 978-0470576649 | 2nd or 3rd edition. | No | |
Book | Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design | Constantine A. Balanis | 978-0471667827 | 3rd or 4th edition. Limited availability as ebook in TUT elibrary. | No |
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
ELT-41746 Antenna Basics | Advisable | |
ELT-47426 Transmission Lines and Waveguides | Advisable |
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
ELT-47446 Antennas, 8 cr | ELT-47447 Antennas II, 5 cr | |
ELT-47446 Antennas, 8 cr | SMG-8506 Antennas, 8 cr |