KEB-26106 Special Project in Bioengineering, 2-8 cr

Toteutuskerta KEB-26106 2018-01


Periodi 1 - 5
Vastuuhenkilö Aino-Maija Lakaniemi, Marja Palmroth, Jukka Rintala, Suvi Santala, Ville Santala


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


The content of the studies will be agreed between supervisor and PhD student. They may include literature surveys, experimental measurements and theoretical calculations, from the substance area of postgraduate research.


Bioengineering/Science and Bioengineering , Biotekniikka , Jatkotutkinto-opiskelijat , Ympäristö- ja energiatekniikka

Lisätietoja toteutuksesta

The course completion is tailored for each student; please contact the person responsible.

For Biotechnology students (responsible teachers Suvi Santala and Ville Santala), the course can involve for example:
- a book exam (e.g. selected parts from Metabolic Engineering Handbook: Tools and Applications Edited by Christina D . Smolke CRC Press 2009 / 2010, 2 cr)
- literature survey (selected topic from the field of synthetic biology 3 cr)
- laboratory work and report (3-5 cr)