BMT-99908 Other Studies, 1-15 cr
Student can gain credits from other kind of study attainments than regular courses, seminars and literature. The Doctoral Programme first considers the proposal upon a recommendation from the student's postgraduate study supervisor.
The content of postgraduate studies is always personal, and the student must discuss his/her study plan with the postgraduate study supervisor.
Please contact the academic coordinator of the doctoral programme for more information.
The course is only intended for degree students
Suitable for postgraduate studies.
Ei toteuteta lukuvuonna 2018-2019.
Hannu Eskola, Olli Yli-Harja, Minna Kellomäki, Jari Hyttinen, Jari Viik
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
BMT-99908 2018-01 | - |
Outi Väisänen |
Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa