KIE-08006 Intercultural Communication Skills, 3 cr

Toteutuskerta KIE-08006 2018-03


This implementation of the course targets outgoing exchange students from TUT that are preparing to leave in the spring semester 2019 (for either six months or one year). Students will prepare for their experience abroad before departure and during their stay abroad. Students will be able to set goals, explore the country and culture of destination, and continue their internationalization after returning. Students will be in contact with other exchange students going to other parts of the world through three meetings before departure and short online tasks while abroad.
This course develops students' intercultural communication skills through short lectures, practical exercises and multicultural teamwork in face-to-face and online environments. The credits of this course can be included as part of their studies abroad.

At the end of the course students will be able to:

identify different cultural communication patterns, concepts of time, politeness and work values in social, academic and professional environments .
describe adaptation processes to cultural foreign environments and to multicultural settings.
identify the influence and importance of nonverbal communication and the relation of language and thought in cross-cultural collaboration.
apply strategies to enhance collaboration in multicultural teams
independently explore, analyze, and give suggestion to overcome critical incidents in social, professional and academic settings.


Periodi 2 - 4
Vastuuhenkilö Carlos Mendoza Santana


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


To achieve the learning outcomes, students will:

complete a minimum of 80 % attendance in the face-to-face lessons scheduled in the course.
watch videos/read material and then take part in group discussions online and face-to-face.
give and receive feedback from other students and the instructor.
elaborate a final individual report of the development of their internationalization and intercultural communication skills whit their exchange studies.

Grading scale is numeric 0-5 .


Automaatiotekniikka , DI- ja arkkitehtiopiskelijat , Electrical Engineering , Information Technology , Sähkötekniikka , Tekniikan kandidaattiopiskelijat , Tietotekniikka

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For more information and questions, please contact Carlos Mendoza (