MOL-73016 Doctoral Course in Coating and Lamination Technology, 5 cr


The completion of the course should be agreed with the responsible teacher.

Kurssin suoritus sovitaan erikseen kurssin vastuuhenkilön kanssa.
Suitable for postgraduate studies. Ei toteuteta lukuvuonna 2018-2019.


Johanna Lahti, Jurkka Kuusipalo


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
MOL-73016 2018-01 - Jurkka Kuusipalo
Johanna Lahti


After this course student is able to name various technologies that combine materials with paper and board. She/he also knows the basic properties of the materials in packaging application.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Student knows the raw materials used for the main coating and laminating methods. She/he can also explain the main properties of the finished products, especially concerning extrusion coated structures.  Student can understand the meaning of the materials' barrier properties. She/he can evaluate if the materials are applicable for coating processes.  Student has skills to solve problems faced with industrial coating and laminating processes. 

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Grading 0-5, examination 70%, exercises 30%.


Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


Opintojakso P/S Selite
MOL-42106 Polymeric Materials Advisable    
MOL-42166 Rheology Advisable    
MOL-42196 Adhesion and Surface Modifications Advisable    
MOL-42316 Processing of Thermoplastics Advisable    
MOL-72106 Converting and Packaging Processes Advisable    
MOL-72136 Packaging Materials Advisable    


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
MOL-73016 Doctoral Course in Coating and Lamination Technology, 5 cr PAK-3016 Doctoral Course in Coating and Lamination Technology, 5 cr  

Päivittäjä: Lassila Jenni, 13.03.2018