TRT-25016 Contemporary Circular Economy Challenges and Solutions, 1-5 cr


The course is based on individual learning tasks. No exam or scheduled lectures. The learning tasks are presented on the course platform Moodle; pleas follow the instructions and suggestions. There are three types of learning tasks
1) Attending to a set of expert lectures or events in the field of circular economy and report (the outcome can be a written report, slides or video).
2) Solving circular economy cases and challenges in a group (instructions and group formation in Moodle). A student can also suggest a case. Case work will be supervised by one of the responsible teachers.
3) Choosing / Suggesting an individual task in the field of circular economy.

Discuss the amount of credits with the supervisor/responsible teacher. 1 cr typically responds efforts in attending two longer seminars with reports or three lectures or shorter events.

Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Matti Pentti, Essi Sarlin, Minna Lanz, Hasse Nylund, Pirjo Kuula, Leena Aarikka-Stenroos, Marika Kokko


A student explores novel contemporary themes and aspects in the field of Circular Economy and gains comprehensive, and cross-disciplinary perspective on the topic. Student can solve pragmatic circular economy problems independently and in group and identifies the points of cross-disciplinary intersection that are needed..Student understands global variations of circular economy.


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TRT-25016 Contemporary Circular Economy Challenges and Solutions, 1-5 cr TRT-25010 Contemporary Circular Economy Challenges and Solutions, 1-5 cr  

Päivittäjä: Uusikartano Jarmo, 14.02.2019