TLO-35306 Global Information Systems Management, 4 cr


Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Henri Pirkkalainen, Osku Torro


Student understands how information systems can be implemented, managed and applied in globally distributed settings. He/she can critically assess and identify characteristics and influencing factors to knowledge work that is operated in interdisciplinary, cross-sectorial as well as culturally and geographically distributed settings (e.g. innovation alliances and international projects). Students can apply their knowledge of emerging Information Systems phenomena to overcome a specific open-ended problem.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. The principles of global information systems management  Explanations how information systems are managed (new theories on information systems)   
2. Emerging tools and services  Insights into emerging information systems (technology perspective)   
3. Global knowledge management  Process-oriented KM, crowdsourcing... (management perspectives on information systems)   
4. Outsourcing global information systems  Networks and internationalization (Internationalization perspectives on information systems)   
5. International assignment as a team work  Insights to working on open-ended problems. Groups select a topic they of their own choosing.    


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Päivittäjä: Ojanen Sonja, 09.03.2018