TRT-28004 Tuotantotalouden ja tietojohtamisen jatko-opintoseminaari, 5 op
Doctoral Seminar in Industrial and Information Management


Soveltuu jatko-opinnoiksi.


Saku Mäkinen, Miia Martinsuo


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
TRT-28004 2018-01 1 - 2 Miia Martinsuo
Saku Mäkinen
- Participation to four (4) of the five (5) lectures
- Reflective learning diary of the lectures
- Presentation of own research topic and participation to the whole seminar day
- Presentation of own research plan, submission of an updated written research plan and participation to the whole seminar day
- Doctoral dissertation analysis and participation to the whole seminar day


This doctoral seminar course is intended to the students in the first stages of their doctoral studies. It offers an introduction and overview to the doctoral studies in the fields of industrial engineering and management; and information and knowledge management. After implementing the course the student has a refined research plan for his/her doctoral thesis and a realistic understanding on how to proceed with doctoral studies. In this course, the perspective is specifically in the fields of industrial engineering and management; and information and knowledge management with their own characteristics.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Doctoral studies in Industrial Engineering and Management; and Information and Knowledge Management: - Structure of studies, content and requirements - Ways of implementing the studies - Co-operation between student and supervisor - Dissertation: characteristics, requirements and different options - Motivation to doctoral studies and career possibilities after graduating      
2. Introduction to research methodology: Overview to the philosophy of science Key decision: qualitative and quantitative research - Specific characteristics, strenghts and weaknesses - Aspects affecting the choice (e.g. the level of current scientific knowledge, the nature of research problem, access to data etc.)     
3. Science, scientific work and acting in the academic community - What is knowledge, science and scientific work? - Academic community and its working practices and norms, required meta-skills - Ethical norms in scientific community - Participation in the activities of academic community in different roles - Participation in scientific discourse      
4. Research topic and its positioning in the research field, making contribution: - What is a good research topic and scientific contribution? - Analysis of prior literature and positioning own research topic in light of it - Different forms of scientific literature and evaluation of different source materials - The practice of literature review and analysis - Written presentation of planning research and intended contribution: research plan     
5. Publishing: - Different publication forums, evaluation and choice of publication forums - Aligning publication forum, publication and the phases of research work - Argumentation and reasoning in different types of publications - Evaluation of scientific articles      
6. Students' own presentations, related commentary and discussion: - Own research topic in the beginning of the course - Own research plan at the end of the course - Analysis of a published doctoral dissertation     

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

The course is passed when all the course requirements are approved. These requirements include attendances to lectures and seminar events, own presentations (research topic, research plan, doctoral dissertation analysis) and a learning diary.


Opintojaksolla käytetään suoritusmerkintäistä arviointiasteikkoa (hyväksytty-hylätty)

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Esitietovaatimuksena kurssille on voimassaoleva jatko-opinto-oikeus. Right for post-graduate (doctoral) studies.


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TRT-28004 Tuotantotalouden ja tietojohtamisen jatko-opintoseminaari, 5 op TRT-28000 Tuotantotalouden ja tietojohtamisen jatko-opintoseminaari, 7 op  

Päivittäjä: Martinsuo Miia, 12.11.2018