ARK-81006 School of Architecture's Varying Topics Course , 1-10 cr


Olli-Paavo Koponen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
ARK-81006 2018-03 1 - 2 Jenni Partanen
Jaana Vanhatalo
Student must study MapInfo -program with the help of video tutorials and complete the exercises found in Moodle.
ARK-81006 2018-02 3 - 4 Minna Chudoba
Jaana Vanhatalo
ARK-81006 2018-01 - Marleena Yli-Äyhö


Course's different impelmentations introduce student in architecture in general as well as in various aspects of architect's range of work as for example architecture competitions and specific material related design tasks.


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
ARK-81006 School of Architecture's Varying Topics Course , 1-10 cr ARK-1006 School of Architecture's Varying Topics Course , 1-10 cr  

Päivittäjä: Yli-Äyhö Marleena, 09.03.2018