BMT-61306 Basics of Medical Electronics, 3 cr


Javier Gracia Tabuenca, Juha Nousiainen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
BMT-61306 2018-01 3 Javier Gracia Tabuenca
Accepted assignments and final exam.


After passing the course, student can: - Recognize features and restrictions in designing electronic devices that are in contact with biological systems and human body including for medical applications. - Recognize the safety standards and regulations of the medical electrical devices. - Recognize different types of noises and artefacts in medical measurements and can principles of noise rejection methods. - Describe the requirements and electronics of the recording of biopotentials..


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Electrical medical devices. Incorporation of the human body with the design of medical electronic devices. Requirements and regulations for the design of medical electronic devices.   Examples.   
2. Electrical safety requirements and design of electrically safe medical devices.   Various types and classes of electronic systems. Standards.   
3. Noise and elimination or minimizing noise coupling in medical electronic systems.   Protection of medical devices against transient voltages and electromagnetic fields.   
4. Interfacing the medical devices with the human body: sensors and actuators. Sensors and recording and conditioning of the sensor output. Biopotential electrodes and recording of biopotentials.   Effect of the sensor-body interface on the electronic recording system. Modelling of the measurement system.   

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

The final grade of the course is determined based on the assessment of all part of the course. The weighting factor of each part is given at the beginning of the course. Grades 1-2: Learning outcomes have been achieved. Satisfactory command in core content of the course. Grades 3-4: Some learning outcomes have been exceeded qualitatively or quantitatively. Good command in core content and complementary knowledge of the course. Good or very good marks from all parts of the course. Grade 5: Most of the learning outcomes have been exceeded. Deep command in the whole content of the course. Almost maximum performance in all parts of the course.


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Completion parts must belong to the same implementation


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Book   Medical Instrumentation. Application and design   Webster, J   130978-0471-676000-3     Partially.   No   
Lecture slides             Yes   


Opintojakso P/S Selite
BMT-61217 Biomedical Engineering Principles Advisable    

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Basic knowledge on analogue electronics is required to successfully pass the course.


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Päivittäjä: Väisänen Outi, 13.03.2018