BMT-86006 Health Technology and Life Science R&D, 5 cr


The course is implemented by SPARK Finland.

Responsible persons: Juho Väisänen (Tampere), Pasi Sorvisto (Helsinki)
Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Timo Allinniemi


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
BMT-86006 2018-01 3 - 4 Juho Väisänen
accepted assignment


After the course student has basic understanding of the Health Tech and Life Science R&D process. Student has gained knowledge on how the e.g. customer needs, value proposition, product market fit, regulatory issues, IPR as well as project and process management are related to biomedical R&D. Student can apply when they will make a course work. During their course work they will participate the actual innovation projects in SPARK Finland and make surveys such as IP, regulator, competitor and market analysis for the projects. Student has presented group work as written document and as an oral presentation in seminar. Student has also assessed the work of other groups and received criticism. Students will gain solid basis for R&D expertise in their later career either as entrepreneurs, in industry or in academia.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Product development process  Goal is to provide insights to the medical technology product as well as drug development process. The participants will understand the basic principles and key elements required in developing new products and drugs.   
2. Product market fit  Goal is to provide understanding how the markets and unmet needs affect the R&D in life science and the importance of product market fit. The participants will understand the how to assess and explore product market fit and how the information is applied in R&D process.   
3. Design thinking in R&D projects  Goal is to provide introduce design thinking principles and especially how these can be applied in efficiently life science R&D projects. The participants will understand the how, where and when to apply design thinking principles.    
4. IPR issues  Goal is to provide understanding of intellectual property rights and their protection. The participants will understand the basic mechanisms of IP protection and how these affect the life science R&D and business.   
5. Regulation and quality  Goal is to provide basic information related to regulatory and quality issues affecting the medical technology product and drug development processes. The participants will understand which authorities and regulations affect the R&D and how these should be taken into account in development process.   
6. Proof-of-concept and relevance  Goal is to provide basic information of proof-of concept and relevance in R&D. The participants will understand the importance of POC and POR.   
7. Clinical trials  Goal is to provide understanding of clinical trial process as part of the life science R&D. The participants will understand different phases of pre-clinical and clinical trial process as well as how these affect the whole R&D process.   
8. Project and process management  Goal is to provide understanding of importance of project and process management in life science R&D. The participants will understand different phases and methods related to project and process management.   
9. Manufacturing (CMC) considerations  Goal is to provide insights to manufacturing related to the life science R&D. The participants will understand how the manufacturing affects the whole R&D process.   


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Päivittäjä: Väisänen Outi, 13.03.2018