FYS-1626 Solid-State Physics, 3 cr
Suitable for postgraduate studies.
Joonas Keski-Rahkonen, Esa Räsänen
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
FYS-1626 2018-01 | 3 |
Joonas Keski-Rahkonen Esa Räsänen |
Final exam and weekly exercises. |
Comprehension of basic concepts and mathematical background in solid-state physics; ability to apply the most important classical and quantum mechanical approaches to lattice structures, metals and semiconductors; basic knowledge of magnetism, dielectrics, superconductivity and semiconductor nanostructures.
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Bonding and crystal structure | Lattice structures and theoretical modeling | van der Waals interactions, applications of Bragg scattering |
2. | Mechanical and thermal properties of solid state materials | Defects, vibrations, phonons, specific heat | Thermal conductivity |
3. | Metals: classical and quantum mechanical approach | Free-electron model, calculation of the density of states | Bloch theorem; Hall effect; conductivity |
4. | Semiconductors | pn-junction, diode, transistor, LED | Solar cells; quantum dots and wires |
5. | Magnetism, dielectrics, superconductivity | Diamagnetism and paramagnetism; magnetic ordering; polarizability; London theory, Ginzburg-Landau theory | Ferroelectricity; piezoelectricity; BCS theory |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
Good knowledge of the core material will be achieved by carefully following the lectures / lecture notes and doing all the exercises. The book (Hofmann) is also recommended but it is not a necessity.
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Lisätiedot | Tenttimateriaali |
Book | Solid State Physis: An Introduction | Philip Hofmann | 978-3527408610 | Filling a gap in the literature for a brief course in solid sate physics, this is a clear and concise introduction that not only describes all the basic phenomena and concepts, but also discusses such advanced issues as magnetism and superconductivity. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Solid-State-Physics-Philip-Hofmann/dp/3527408614 | No | |
Lecture slides | Esa Räsänen | Lecture notes in PDF to be added in POP. | No |
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
FYS-1260 Laaja fysiikka III Atomifysiikka | Advisable | |
FYS-1270 Laaja fysiikka IV: Aineen rakenne | Advisable |
Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Laaja fysiikka I-IV tai vastaavat tiedot ovat käytännössä välttämättömät esitiedot kurssin suorittamiseksi. Myös Kvanttimekaniikka 1 on suositeltava.
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
FYS-1620 Solid-state Physics, 3 cr + FYS-1626 Solid-State Physics, 3 cr | FYS-1627 Solid State Physics, 5 cr | opintopistemäärä kasvaa |
FYS-1626 Solid-State Physics, 3 cr | FYS-1620 Solid-state Physics, 3 cr |