IHA-1957 Master's Thesis Seminar in Automation, 1 cr


IHA-1957 is a mandatory seminar course for every Master's student doing their thesis under the supervision of the Laboratory of Automation and Hydraulics (AUT). During the seminar sessions, Master's students will gather to exchange knowledge and experiences, and to receive tips and guidance from each other and the Department personnel. The course should be enrolled on immediately after starting the assigned Master's work, and it is suitable for both the Finnish and international students.

The enrolment to the course will be made via the POP portal and also by sending an e-mail to the acting course coordinator. It is allowed to extend the course completion over different academic years, but the POP registration will have to be renewed for the following year(s). When enrolling to the course by e-mail: Inform your contact details, topic, starting date and your supervisor.

The seminar sessions will be organized once every month during the regular semesters. More accurate schedules will be informed to every enrolled student in Moodle pages. Registration for seminars presentations is also done in Moodle. However, the schedule and registration to Library's training session is done in POP portal.

The course has four requirements:

1) One has to follow at least four final presentations from other participants. Therefore, it is advisable to start attending the seminar sessions as early as possible.

2) One has to give a brief introductory presentation in a seminar session. This should be given soon after entering the course.

3) One has to give a final presentation in a seminar session. This presentation will illustrate and conclude the working process and the most important results of the Master's thesis close to completion.

4) One has to participate the information retrieval training session organized by TUT's Library. The course is only intended for degree students


Kalevi Huhtala, Petteri Multanen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
IHA-1957 2018-01 1 - 4 Kalevi Huhtala
Petteri Multanen
Every participant will present his/her Master's work twice (introduction of the topic/ final presentation), and will follow the final presentations of at least four other participants. The final presentation will report and illustrate the working process and the most important results of the Master's thesis close to completion.
Every participant is also required to pass the "Library's information retrieval training session".


By the means of seminar working, the core purpose of IHA-1957 is to offer personal peer support and multi-level guidance for the Master's thesis processes. The course aims at clarifying practical issues encountered in different thesis processes. Moreover, the course aims at improving the written and oral presentation skills of the participants. The seminars are also intended to be convenient opportunities for networking within the field of fluid power.

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
IHA-1957 is aimed only for the students doing their Master's thesis under the supervision of the Laboratory of Automation and Hydraulics (AUT). The course should be enrolled on immediately after the thesis assignment.


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Päivittäjä: Uusi-Heikkilä Janne, 12.03.2018