KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr
This Spoken Communication in English course (KIE-32046) is partially integrated with the course Rakentamisen tuotantotekniikka (RAK-51001).
Both courses are offered in the second year of the Bachelor's degree programme for RAK and will take place during periods 1 and 2.
Priority will be given to second-year students enrolled on the Bachelor's degree programme for RAK and who are taking the course RAK-51001.
Please sign up for both courses.
The course is only intended for degree students
Hasmik Minasyan
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
KIE-32046 2018-01 | 1 - 2 |
Milja Mero Hasmik Minasyan |
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation. |
KIE-32046 2018-02 | 1 - 2 |
Milja Mero Hasmik Minasyan |
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation. |
KIE-32046 2018-03 | 1 - 2 |
Galyna Dubova Hasmik Minasyan |
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation. |
KIE-32046 2018-04 | 1 - 2 |
Hasmik Minasyan |
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation. |
KIE-32046 2018-05 | 1 - 2 |
Galyna Dubova Hasmik Minasyan |
Active participation and successful completion of assignments within the deadlines given, including an oral presentation. |
At the end of the course, the students are able to engage in small talk; make use of language learning resources to develop vocabulary and grammatical knowledge; engage in discussions about basic concepts and principles central to the students' field of study; research technological topics in English by critically reading from both popular and scientific sources; summarize information from these sources in speech; design short oral presentations; design visual aids in support of presentations; design, rehearse and deliver a short informational presentation; give constructive feedback
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Designing, rehearsing and delivering an informational presentation. | ||
2. | Researching technological topics by critically reading from both popular and scientific sources. Summarising information from these sources in speech. | ||
3. | Collaborating in pairs or groups in order to engage in professional communication situations, such as poster presentations or expert panels. | ||
4. | Engaging in discussions about basic concepts and principles central to students field of study. | ||
5. | Making use of a range of resources to develop spoken communication skills, vocabulary and grammatical knowledge independently. | ||
6. | Engaging in small talk. | ||
7. | Giving constructive feedback. |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
Assessment will take into account the following: - Active participation; min 80% attendance; participation and interaction with peers (in and outside of the classroom); - Successful completion of all course key tasks as well as in-class and out-of-class assignments, including peer review; - Language and communication skills demonstrated via communication events such as an expert panel activity; and - A final presentation including preparation.
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32016 Spoken Communication in English/TTI, 3 cr | |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32056 Spoken Communication in English/LTT, 3 cr | |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32066 Spoken Communication in English/TST, 3 cr | |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32006 Spoken Communication in English, 3 cr | |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32047 Professional Interactions in English/RAK, 2-3 cr | |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32026 Spoken Communication in English/TUTA & TIJO, 3 cr | |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32036 Spoken Communication in English/BIO, 3 cr | |
KIE-32046 Spoken Communication in English /RAK, 3 cr | KIE-32906 English Language Exam / Spoken, 3 cr |