MEI-66216 Systems Reliability Centered Maintenance, 5 cr
Jouko Laitinen
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
MEI-66216 2018-01 | 1 - 2 |
Jouko Laitinen Tauno Toikka |
Exam (5 tasks, 6 points per task): estimation scale 0-5, which correspond to 0-30 points. Training: each exercise graded on a pass - fail. Participation in lectures and training: if there is no more than 3 absences total, so the points given in the exam added 6 points. The condition is that the student has received the exam at least 9 points. |
MEI-66216 2018-02 | 3 - 4 |
Jouko Laitinen |
The student is able to apply Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) analysis in a systematic evaluation approach for developing and optimizing a maintenance programme (which consists of Corrective, Time Based and Condition Based maintenance).
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Reliability Centered Maintenance Approach | Historical Evolution of RCM | |
2. | Service and repair process design and development. | Assessment of corrective, conditon-based and time-based maintenance impact on failure probability. | |
3. | Design and development of spare part service | Propabilistic risk assessment of a spare part stock by stochastic simulation. | |
4. | Models and methods for advance warning of system failure and prediction of remaining useful life after advance warning. | Operation and maintenance data integration and analysis for intelligent decision making process in product-service business. | |
5. | Optimization of system specific maintenance service program to achieve required availability and safety with minimum costs. | Design and risk assessment of basic and extended warranty, and maintenance contracts. |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
Participation activity in lectures and exercises, and successfully completed exercises and a written exam.
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Lisätiedot | Tenttimateriaali |
Other online content | Application of Reliability Centred Maintenance to Optimize Operation and Maintenance in Nuclear Power Plants | IAEA-TECDOC-1590 | | No | ||
Other online content | Reliability Centered Maintenance - Guide | NASA | | No |
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