MOL-22306 Metals Technology, 5 cr
Pasi Peura, Mikko Hokka
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
MOL-22306 2018-01 | 3 - 4 |
Mikko Hokka Pasi Peura |
After passing this course the student will know basics of crystal plasticity theory and its applications for metals formability. The student will understand how deformation mechanisms of metals influence the material behavior, plasticity, and fracture of metals at different strain rates and temperatures. The student understands how metal plasticity can be mathematically modelled using commonly used plasticity models. The student also understands the theoretical background of the models, and how the models are related to the deformation mechanisms. The student understands the benefits and limitations of the commonly used plasticity models Students will be familiar with the most common construction metals, their structure and properties as well as the factor affecting their use. They can also apply material knowledge on the properties of common metallic materials and their behavior in different areas of applications.
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Crystal plasticity theory and applications for metals. Deformation mechanisms of metals at different strain rates and temperatures, and how the mechanisms affect plasticity and fracture of the metal. | Effects of adiabatic heating. High strain rate testing. Materials modeling. | |
2. | The basic properties of the most common metals and their metallurgical background | The material properties behind sheet metal formability | |
3. | Selection of alloys based on their formability and corrosion resistance | Understand how formability can be evalated |
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
MOL-22216 Phase Transformations and Heat Treatments of Metals | Advisable |
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