DEE-26006 Post-Graduate Course in Power Engineering, 3-8 cr
Toteutuskerta DEE-26006 2018-02
The course is a variable topic course. The content and schedule will be announced later.
Periodi | 1 - 4 |
Opetusmuodot | |
Vastuuhenkilö | Pertti Järventausta, Pekka Verho |
Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course
Requirements for completing the course are principally based on the content of lectures and exercises. Also a practical work, seminar work or some coresponding study work can be part of the requirements.
Requirements for completing the course will be informed more closed before each implementation.
Automaatiotekniikka , Electrical Engineering , Jatkotutkinto-opiskelijat , Sähkötekniikka
Lisätietoja toteutuksesta
The exact amount of working hours will be announced later.