DEE-34906 Project Work in Power Electronics, 2-8 cr
Toteutuskerta DEE-34906 2018-02
The course is an individual project, which does not contain any lectures, exercises or final exams. The student who likes to take this cousre shall conduct the supervising professor before starting the work. The pass/fail is based on the written report of the project work. The time schedule of the projects depends solely on the student.
Periodi | 1 - 4 |
Opetusmuodot | |
Vastuuhenkilö | Petros Karamanakos, Tuomas Messo, Paavo Rasilo, Jenni Rekola, Teuvo Suntio |
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Written project report and successful simulations / experiments where applicable .
Jatkotutkinto-opiskelijat , Sähkötekniikka