TTA-15087 Managerial Finance for Sales and Sourcing, 5 cr


Jouni Lyly-Yrjänäinen


In business organizations, people are increasingly managed with numbers. Thus, after passing the course (Final grade 1), students are familiar with the basic financial concepts and tools used in the industry and are able to use them in simple contexts. However, in the management field, these concepts and tools must be applied in order to provide the foundation for decision-making. With final grades 2 and 3, students are able to understand how such concepts and tools are used to support management decisions making. In today's knowledge economy, financial information not only is seen as a tool for managing people or organizations. Instead, it is increasingly seen as a source of innovation. Analyzing financial data may, for example, reveal that some customers are willing to pay more of the same product than others, hence helping the company to target its customers better. Understanding of value creation requires that companies are not only able to analyze their own costs but, instead, they also need to analyze the costs of their customers and sometimes even their customer's customers. Similarly, companies are looking for new performance measurement systems or compensation plans to guide the organization to do the right things in order to maximize the value creation and, eventually, outperform the competition. Students passing the course with final grade of 4 and 5 are able to understand the role financial information can play in such business development processes and how financial tools can be applied in innovative ways


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. -Analysing and communicating customer value (BEP, Payback, NPV, IRR)   -Design of customer value analysis using simple cases  -How revenue models and strategy innovations are changing and impacting customer perceived value 
2. -Financial statements (inc. Cash flow statement)   -Financial Statements as a support for decision making  -How strategic planning and strategy innovations are linked to financial performance  
3. -Costing systems (Contribution costing, Full Costing, ABC)  -Costing systems as combinations of different tools  -How to link costing tools to investment planning and budgeting  
4. -Profitability management (process models & costing, profitability analyses)  -Designing cost and profitability analyses and using them for decision making  -How to avoid pitfalls of management actions based on financial data 
5. -Designing value in the offering (TOC, LCC, OBA, PM)  -Apply costing tools to create value in business networks  -How performance measurement systems are designed and used in practice  
6. -Bookkeeping in a small company (closing and opening the accounts, Corporate tax, VAT)  -Design of a bookkeeping system for a small company  -How companies use different financing arrangements to execute their strategies  


Opintojakso P/S Selite
TTA-15077 Managing Operative Sales Mandatory    


Opintojakso Vastaa opintojaksoa  Selite 
TTA-15087 Managerial Finance for Sales and Sourcing, 5 cr TTA-15086 Managerial Finance for Sales and Sourcing, 4 cr  

Päivittäjä: Baggström Minna, 21.12.2018