TTA-15186 Business Development in Sales and Sourcing, 5 cr
This course is only for (1) international degree students of Business and Technology in TUT and (2) Finnish IEM degree students majoring in International Sales and Sourcing.
The course is only intended for degree students
Jouni Lyly-Yrjänäinen
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
TTA-15186 2018-01 | 3 - 4 |
Jouni Lyly-Yrjänäinen |
Participation in the seminar sessions, company project, written report, seminar report. |
This course prepares students for writing Master's Thesis and introduces students the conventions of empirical management research process as well as the common reporting practices followed in TUT (especially in the management field). After completing this course, students are able to search literature relevant to their research question, summarize key concepts and use them systematically when reporting their empirical research projects (Grade 1). Students are also able to document their empirical research processes and discuss how choices made during the process may have impacted the findings, all this combined with more analytical approach to the existing literature (Grades 2 and 3). Students also know how to define key concepts build theoretical frameworks relevant to their research problems, how to argue possible areas with lack of knowledge, how to illustrate the concepts (their interrelated nature), framework and the lack of knowledge visually as well as apply concepts and the framework systematically when discussing the empirical findings. Finally, after completing this course, students understand the importance of linking their empirical findings to the existing literature (body of knowledge) to argue possible theory contributions (Grades 4 and 5). Naturally, for papers with final grades 4 and 5, the theoretical discussion provides more analytical approach to the key concepts and existing literature and, in addition, papers considered excellent (Grade 5) start to have a very systematic, analytical discussion about the research process - even supported with some additional referencing to the key research methodology literature regarding the selected data gathering methods/tools. Papers with final grade 5 already possess elements that could work as a starting point for a conference/journal paper.
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | The most typical data gathering methods in management science. Possibilities and limitations of these data gathering methods. | ||
2. | How to build the narrative for the research report (one of the most difficult phases in writing research reports) with empirical material. | ||
3. | How to improve critical thinking and make it visible in the research report. |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
Company project and written reports.
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
TTA-15106 Literature Study in Business and Technology | Advisable |
Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Literature Study in Business and Technology is a prerequisite for the international degree students. Finnish students taking the course should have completed Bachelor's thesis.
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
TTA-15186 Business Development in Sales and Sourcing, 5 cr | TTA-15116 Empirical Study in Business and Technology, 4 cr |